Looking for a Digital Marketer with Expertise in Southeast Asian Cultures

2024-11-07 01:48
업체명 : MXK

경력 : 제한없음

급여 : 추후 협의

학력요건 : 제한없음

근무지역 : 제한없음

지원방법 : 이메일

연락처 : info.minglexpress@gmail.com

지원기한 : 제한없음

We’re hiring a skilled digital marketer with a deep understanding of Asian cultures, especially from Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. This role involves creating captivating marketing content tailored to resonate with audiences from these countries, particularly those interested in traveling to South Korea, on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

Key Responsibilities:
  • Craft and execute digital marketing campaigns designed to engage and attract Southeast Asian travelers to South Korea.
  • Develop creative, culturally relevant content that resonates with travelers from Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand, encouraging them to visit South Korea.
  • Create visually appealing posts, stories, and ads that align with brand messaging and South Korean travel experiences.
  • Monitor social media trends and adapt strategies to maximize engagement and reach within the Southeast Asian market.
  • Proven experience in digital marketing, particularly in social media management for Instagram and TikTok.
  • Strong understanding of cultural preferences, trends, and consumer behaviors in Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand.
  • Experience working in the travel or tourism industry, preferably with a focus on South Korea or Asian travel destinations.
  • Ability to create culturally relevant, engaging content that resonates with Southeast Asian travelers visiting South Korea.
  • Proficient with design tools such as Canva, Photoshop, or others.
  • A keen eye for visual design and strong content creation skills.
  • Strong communication skills and the ability to collaborate in a fast-paced environment.
  • Previous experience in promoting South Korea as a travel destination is a plus.
Compensation will grow based on performance, speed, and quality of work. You’ll have the flexibility to use your preferred design tools, with opportunities for ongoing, regular work.

How to Apply:
Please share samples of your previous work, details on the tools you use, and your contact information. Join us to make a meaningful impact on a diverse, multicultural audience!

To apply, reach out via:
  • Email: info.minglexpress@gmail.com

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